
The format of the 3-day-long meeting will be 1+1+1/2 of a day to give everyone an opportunity
to present his or her current work. We encourage participants to give a short oral talk, even if
their project is not complete yet. We plan to organize a (moderate!) welcome party in the Richard-
Willstaetter House on Sunday, the first of May, in the evening. The Young Researchers' Meeting
will be closed after the lunch on Wednesday, May 4. We would thus recommend to make your
travel arrangements accordingly.


The meeting will take place at the Theory department of the Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck
Society. All the talks will be given in the Richard-Willstaetter House (Faradayweg 10, building "M"
on the map). The Institute is located in the academic Dahlem district near the underground station
"Thielplatz" (south-western part of Berlin). The public transport system provides a fast connection
to the center of Berlin.


Accommodation will be provided in the "Dahlem Guest House" of the MPG Harnack House (see
bottom left in the map). Both single (about 50 EUROs/night) and double rooms (about 40 EUROs
per night and person) will be available. As the number of single-rooms is limited, please register
soon :-) Upon request, it is possible to individually book additional nights before/after the meeting.
These will not be reimbursed by the NANOQUANTA network. We would like to kindly ask you to
mention the name of a person you would like to share a double room with (or e.g. your intention to
stay for more nights) during the registration. The deadline for the registration is January 27, 2005.


Breakfast will be served at the Harnack House, lunch in the student canteen of the Free University,
which lies within walking-distance from the Fritz-Haber Institute. For dinner, we will go out to
downtown. On Monday, May 2, to the former eastern part of Berlin and on Tuesday to the former
western part (sightseeing ! :-).

The fee

The fee will cover the accommodation from May 1 till May 4 together with all the meals and some
additional items. The exact prices depend slightly on the number of participants and will thus be
announced via e-mail after the registration is complete. Expected maximum for the participants
from abroad is about 250 EUROs (about 60 EUROs without any accommodation).

Special bonus

The ombudswoman of the NANOQUANTA network, Heidi Henrickson, might give a talk during
the meeting.


Many thanks to Matthias Scheffler for the local on-site support, Rex Godby for very generous NANOQUANTA network financial contribution, and Patrick Rinke, our former secretary Gerhild
Haselbach, and our current secretary Julia Pach (THsecretary at as
the co-organizers.


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Any questions ?

Please contact the main organizer: Martin Friak.