Electronic Structure Theory with Numeric Atom-Centered Basis Functions

FHI-aims Developers' and Users' Meeting - July 20-22, 2016
Organized by Fritz Haber Institute and CECAM-mm1p at Technical University Munich






The meeting will take place in the rooms of the newly established Modelling Center TUM.Computational of the TU Munich. The center is located in the yellow tower area on sixth floor of the Chemistry Building on the Garching Campus as marked by the red circle in the maps.


Street Address

Modelling Center TUM.Computational
Lichtenbergstr. 4
85747 Garching

Campus Garching (Forschungszentrum Garching) is located north of Munich. The venue is conveniently reached via the U-Bahn station "Garching Forschungszentrum", approx. 30 min. from the main station and approx. 45 min. from the airport. A taxi from the airport takes only about 15 min. and costs around 30-40€.