Computational Surface Science - CompSurf 2011

Santa Barbara, USA, August 1 - August 6, 2011

Computational surface science is establishing itself as a viable complement to purely experimental surface science. A distinct advantage of computational over experimental surface science is the atomistic insight it provides and the potential to derive understanding entirely from the basic laws of physics. The exponential increase in available computer power together with new methodological developments have led to the growing impact of computational studies in the field of surface science.

Pertinent problems in computational surface science are often recurring questions in computational science: How accurate is the energy functional or the theoretical spectroscopy method of choice and how to do better? How can the approach be made more computationally efficient? Can the results be validated and verified (e.g. how reliable is the employed approach/computer code?)? How to model large scale structures. How to sample large configuration spaces? How to include realistic environments (temperature, pressure, solution, etc.)? The proposed workshop will address these recurring challenges in the context of surface science, review the state-of-the-art and highlight remaining, important challenges.

Important dates:

31. May 2011: registration and abstract submission closes