Summer School of the
Max-Planck-EPFL Center for Molecular Nanoscience & Technology

July 27 - 31, 2015 in Schloss Ringberg, Germany






The Doctoral School on Molecular Nanoscience and Technology is an integral part of the Max-Planck-EPFL Center for Molecular Nanoscience and Technology. The School offers a unique opportunity for doctoral students toward cutting-edge research and a thorough training in the experimental methods and theoretical concepts at the intersection between nanoscale science and condensed matter physics, materials science, and bioengineering.

In 2015, the PhD School will focus on exciting advancements in the field of ab initio theory in materials science. The tutorial-style talks will be aimed at an audience that consists of experimental and theoretical PhD students. A concise introduction to the fundamental ideas underlying state of the art theory will be given, complemented by lectures form leading experimentalists. In particular, the school will cover:
- Introduction to density functional theory (DFT), GW-approach, time dependent DFT (TD DFT) and dynamical mean field theory (DMFT)
- Molecular dynamics
- Big data analytics
- Applications such as thermoelectric transport, non-adiabatic effects, opto-electronics, bio physics, and more

Students are given the opportunity to present their recent work in poster contributions and will thus have the opportunity to discuss current questions with the lectures during or even outside the official conference program. A vivid discussion may spark new or intensified collaborations between different laboratories and research groups.


Carsten Baldauf, Christian Carbogno and Matthias Scheffler

Important dates:

27. July 2015: Start of the conference
31. July 2015: End of the conference