Hands-on workshop density-functional theory and beyond:
First-principles simulations of molecules and materials

Held at the Harnack-Haus of the Max Planck Society
Berlin, Germany, July 13 - July 23, 2015




Workshop Program

Participants should arrive on July 13 as the program will start on Tuesday, July 14, in the morning. The last event in the schedule of the hands-on workshop will be lunch on Thursday, July 23. The conference fee covers your accommodation from July 13 to July 23 (10 nights) and essentially all meals from breakfast July 14 to lunch on July 23.

Weekend Research Project: This intended as the time when you can either try the parts of tutorials that you did not manage in time or you work on one of the micro-tutorials or cheat sheets that are listed below in the table. If you do not yet have a clear idea what you want to do, you can also just diffuse in and check if someone does something interesting and join them eventually.

Abstract and Program Booklet (updated): hands_on_workshop_2015_booklet.pdf

Program Schedule:

Poster dimensions: The poster boards can accommodate posters up to a height of 143 cm and a width of 113 cm. For example, A0 portrait format should work. We do not handle poster printing.

For reference, the program and tutorials offered at past hands-on workshops can be found at the following links:

Hands-On workshop 2014 in Los Angeles
Hands-On workshop 2013 in Trieste
Hands-On workshop 2011 in Berlin