Hands-On DFT and Beyond: High-throughput screening and big-data analytics, towards exascale computational materials science

Hands-On DFT and Beyond: High-throughput screening and big-data analytics, towards exascale computational materials science

University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, August 26th to September 6th, 2019


Please contact dft2019@fhi-lists.de if you are interested in further information regarding the workshop.

The organizer of the workshop are:

Francesc Illas Riera
University de Barcelona
Martí i Franquès 1
E-08028 Barcelona

Eliseo Ruiz Sabin
University de Barcelona
Martí i Franquès 1
E-08028 Barcelona

Carsten Baldauf
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
Faradayweg 4-6
D-14195 Berlin

Sebastian Kokott
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
Faradayweg 4-6
D-14195 Berlin

Volker Blum
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Duke University, Durham, NC 27708

Matthias Scheffler
Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
Faradayweg 4-6
D-14195 Berlin


Page last modified on January 07, 2019, at 06:49 PM EST