FHI-aims Developers

Electronic Structure Theory with Numeric Atom-Centered Basis Functions

FHI-aims Developers' and Users' Meeting - July 9-11, 2018
Co-organized by Duke University, Fritz Haber Institute, USTC Hefei and Technical University of Munich (TUM) at TUM

Financial Support

Our budget for financial support will be very limited this year and we cannot guarantee availability of participant support at this point.

We here still offer the opportunity to apply for support and will be able to make decisions closer to the conference. Support would be limited to (part of) the local costs, while travel costs should please be covered by the participants’ home institutions.

Applying for Financial Support:

To apply for financial support, please provide the following material:

  • An application letter containing: The applicant's name, the full address of their institution including their department, the name and complete email address of their supervisor, a brief statement why they need financial support, and a short summary of their research subject and project (approximately five lines). In addition, they should include the amount of support required in Euros. This letter should be one A4 page and sent by email in PDF format to: fhi-aims-2018@fhi-lists.de
  • The applicant's supervisor will need to send a confidential reference letter directly to fhi-aims-2018@fhi-lists.de
  • The applicant must contribute an abstract to the conference to be eligible for financial support.

Requests for financial support must reach us before the registration deadline has passed (13 April 2018). We will notify applicants about the decision on their financial support application shortly after this date.


Page last modified on February 21, 2018, at 05:23 PM EST