CECAM/Psi-k Research Conference:
Multi-scale Modelling from First Principles 2013

Platja d'Aro, Spain, September 08 - September 13, 2013




CECAM/Psi-k Research Conference:
Multi-scale Modeling from First-Principles

Platja d´Aro, Spain, September 08-13, 2013


The multi-scale character of molecular simulations is intrinsic in its nature itself as one has to extract from a computation extending over microscopic time and space scales sufficient information to compute properties usually defined at the macroscopic level. However, in the last twenty years or so, one has witnessed several methodological progresses which have allowed to extend, sometimes considerably, the range of scales of the microscopic systems computed in order to obtain properties or reproduce processes. Those methods are grouped under the name of multi-scale methods and have already led to a considerable development of computational materials sciences and bio-physics.
We like to run a conference of the style as known from Gordon Research Conferences with 30 minute talks by experts followed by a 25 minute long discussion.

!!! The workshop will be held at the
in Platja d'Aro, Catalonia, Spain, from September 08-13, 2013.

Conference fees:

  • EUR 800,- for accommodation with single occupation

  • EUR 575,- per person for accommodation with double occupation

    The fee covers: hotel accommodation with full board, conference material, welcome reception, refreshment breaks, organized afternoon excursion, bus to and from airport, conference dinner.
  • EUR 575,- for accompanying persons
    Accompanying persons sharing a room with a participant are charged 575 euros, price which allow taking part in all social activities (full pension/excursion/conf dinner/bus shuttle). Participants who want to be accompanied by their partner or family should indicate it and contact the organization.

Important deadlines:

November 01, 2012Application and abstract submission open.
April 1, 2013Registration and abstract submission close. Application deadline for financial support.
April 15, 2013Information about acceptance is sent out.
April 30, 2013Payment-received deadline for accepted applicants.
September 8, 2013Start of conference.
September 13, 2013End of conference.
