Hands-on workshop and Humboldt-Kolleg:
Density-Functional Theory and Beyond - Basic Principles and Modern Insights

Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, May 2 to 13, 2016




Local organizers

Please contact hands-on-2016@fhi-lists.de if you are interested in further information regarding the workshop.

The Local organizers of the workshop are:

Ismaeil Abdolhosseini Sarsari
Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Hossein Ahmadvand
Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Mojtaba Alaei
Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Hojjat Gholizadeh
Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

S. Javad Hashemifar
Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran