Hands-on workshop and Humboldt-Kolleg:
Density-Functional Theory and Beyond - Basic Principles and Modern Insights

Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, May 2 to 13, 2016




Workshop Program

Participants should arrive on May 2 as the program will start on Monday, May 2, in the afternoon.

Weekend Research Project: This intended as the time when you can either:

  • Finish parts of earlier tutorials,
  • Perform some special exercises that will be provided in time, or
  • Work on problems of your projects supported by the tutors.

If you do not yet have a clear idea what you want to do, you can also just diffuse in and check if someone does something interesting and join them eventually.

Program Schedule: This is our current estimate of the program. Minor aspects of the program may still change, so check back occasionally.

For reference, the program and tutorials offered at past hands-on workshops can be found at the following links:

Hands-On workshop 2015 in Berlin
Hands-On workshop 2014 in Los Angeles
Hands-On workshop 2013 in Trieste
Hands-On workshop 2011 in Berlin