Hands-on workshop and Humboldt-Kolleg:
Density-Functional Theory and Beyond - Basic Principles and Modern Insights

Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, May 2 to 13, 2016




Poster parade (Monday May 2)

In this part, those participants who have registered for poster presentation, should briefly introduce their work in two minutes, by using one power point slide. Please send your "one slide" summary to DFT2016@of.iut.ac.ir The poster parade will help participants to get to know and connect each other.

Poster session

Please note that the poster presentation is on the second day of workshop (May 3) from 20:00 to 22:00. Please attach your posters to the prepared poster panels in advance.

The posters are recommended to be in portrait (vertical) orientation with a size of about: 90*120 cm