The NOMAD Laboratory

Novel Materials Discovery at the FHI Molecular Physics Department
of the Max Planck Society


Publications of the NOMAD Laboratory

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  1. P.S. Bagus, K. Hermann, and C. Wöll,
    "The interaction of C6H6 and C6H12 with noble metal surfaces: Electronic level alignment and the origin of the interface dipole" (13 pages). J. Chem. Phys. 123, 184109 (2005).
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  2. J. Behler, B. Delley, S. Lorenz, K. Reuter, and M. Scheffler,
    "Dissociation of O2 at Al(111): The role of spin selection rules". Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 036104 (2005).
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  3. M. Borg, C. Stampfl, A. Mikkelsen, J. Gustafson, E. Lundgren, M. Scheffler, and J.N. Andersen,
    "Density of configurational states from first-principles: The phase diagram of Al-Na surface alloys". ChemPhysChem 6, 1923-1928 (2005).
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  4. J. Carlsson and M. Scheffler,
    "Curvature effects on vacancies in nanotubes". In: Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures: Proc. of the XIX International Winterschool/Euroconference on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, Austria (IWEPNM 2005). (Eds.) H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, S. Roth. AIP Conference Proceedings 786. American Institute of Physics, New York 2005, 432-435. ISBN 0-7354-0275-2.
  5. J.L.F. Da Silva, C. Stampfl, and M. Scheffler,
    "Xe adsorption on metal surfaces: First-principles investigations" (19 pages). Phys. Rev. B 72, 075424 (2005).
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  6. P. Eggert,
    "Theoretische Untersuchung von Vielteilcheneffekten auf Silizium-Halbleiteroberflächen". FU Berlin 2005.
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  7. M. Fonin, R. Pentcheva, Yu.S. Dedkov, M. Sperlich, D.V. Vyalikh, M. Scheffler, U. Rüdiger, and G. Güntherodt,
    "Surface electronic structure of the Fe3O4(100): Evidence of a half-metal to metal transition" (8 pages). Phys. Rev. B 72, 104436 (2005).
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  8. M. Fuchs, Y.-M. Niquet, X. Gonze, K. Burke,
    "Describing static correlation in bond dissociation by Kohn-Sham density functional theory" (13 pages). J. Chem. Phys. 122, 094116 (2005).
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  9. T. Hammerschmidt and P. Kratzer,
    "Role of strain relaxation during different stages of InAs quantum dot growth". In: Physics of Semiconductors: 27th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-27). (Eds.) J. Menéndez, C.G. Van de Walle. AIP Confer. Proc. 772. American Institute of Physics 2005, 601-602. ISBN 0-7354-0257-4.
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  10. S.J. Hashemifar, P. Kratzer, and M. Scheffler,
    "Preserving the half-metallicity at the Heusler alloy Co2MnSi(001) surface: A density functional theory study". Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 096402 (2005).
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  11. J. Ireta, J. Neugebauer, M. Scheffler, A. Rojo, and M. Galván,
    "Structural transitions in the polyalanine α-helix under uniaxial strain". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 17241-17244 (2005).
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  12. L. Ismer, J. Ireta, S. Boeck, and J. Neugebauer,
    "Phonon spectra and thermodynamic properties of the infinite polyalanine α helix: A density-functional-theory-based harmonic vibrational analysis" (5 pages). Phys. Rev. E 71, 031911 (2005).
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  13. C. Kolczewski and K. Hermann,
    "Ab initio DFT studies of oxygen K edge NEXAFS spectra for the V2O3(0001) surface". TheorChemAcc 114, 60-67 (2005).
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  14. C. Kolczewski and K. Hermann,
    "Oxygen 1s NEXAFS spectra of the V2O5(010) surface theoretical studies using ab initio DFT cluster models". Physica Scripta T115, 128-130 (2005).
  15. A. Michaelides, K. Reuter, and M. Scheffler,
    "When seeing is not believing: Oxygen on Ag(111), a simple adsorption system?" J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 23, 1487-1497 (2005).
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  16. R.A. Miron and K.A. Fichthorn,
    "Heteroepitaxial growth of Co/Cu(001): An accelerated molecular dynamics simulation study" (7 pages). Phys. Rev. B 72, 035415 (2005).
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  17. E. Penev, E. and P. Kratzer,
    "First-principles study of InAs/GaAs(001) heteroepitaxy". In: Proc. of the NATO ARW on Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications, and Frontiers (Crete, Greece, July 20-24, 2003), NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 190. (Eds.) B.A. Joyce, P.C. Kelires, A.G. Naumovets, D.D. Vvedensky. Springer The Netherlands 2005, 27-42. ISBN 1-4020-3314-1.
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  18. R. Pentcheva, R.,
    "Ab initio study of microscopic processes in the growth of Co on Cu(001)". Appl. Phys. A 80, 971-975 (2005).
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  19. R. Pentcheva, F. Wagner, W. Moritz, and M. Scheffler,
    "Structure, energetics and properties of Fe3O4(001) from first principles". In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2004. (Eds.) S. Wagner, W. Hanke, A. Bode, F. Durst. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2005, 375-381. ISBN 3-540-44326-6.
  20. R. Pentcheva, F. Wendler, H.L. Meyerheim, W. Moritz, N. Jedrecy, and M. Scheffler,
    "Jahn-Teller stabilization of a "polar"metal oxide surface: Fe3O4(001)". Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 126101 (2005).
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  21. A. Qteish, A.I. Al-Sharif, M. Fuchs, M. Scheffler, S. Boeck, and J. Neugebauer,
    "Exact-exchange calculations of the electronic structure of AlN, GaN and InN". Comp. Phys. Comm. 169, 28-31 (2005).
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  22. A. Qteish, A.I. Al-Sharif, M. Fuchs, M. Scheffler, S. Boeck, and J. Neugebauer,
    "Role of semicore states in the electronic structure of group-III nitrides: An exact-exchange study" (8 pages). Phys. Rev. B 72, 155317 (2005).
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  23. C. Ratsch, A. Fielicke, J. Behler, M. Scheffler, G. von Helden, and G. Meijer,
    "Structure determination of small metal clusters by density-functional theory and comparison with experimental far-infrared spectra". In: Technical Proceedings of the 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show. Nanotech 2005 2, 1-4.
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  24. C. Ratsch C., A. Fielicke, A. Kirilyuk, J. Behler, G. von Helden, G. Meijer, and M. Scheffler,
    "Structure determination of small vanadium clusters by density-functional theory in comparison with experimental far-infrared spectra" (15 pages). J. Chem. Phys. 122, 124302 (2005).
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  25. K. Reuter, C. Stampfl, and M. Scheffler,
    "Ab initio atomistic thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of surface properties and functions". In: Handbook of Materials Modeling, Vol. 1. (Ed.) Sidney Yip. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2005, 149-194. ISBN 1-4020-3287-0.
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  26. K. Reuter,
    "First-principles statistical mechanics for oxidation catalysis". FU Berlin 2005.
  27. P. Rinke, A. Qteish, J. Neugebauer, C. Freysoldt, and M. Scheffler,
    "Combining GW calculations with exact-exchange density-functional theory: an analysis of valence-band photoemission for compound semiconductors" (35 pages). New J. Phys. 7, 126 (2005).
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  28. R. Santoprete, B. Koiller, R.B. Capaz, P. Kratzer, and M. Scheffler,
    "Strain effects on the electronic and optical properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots: Tight-binding study". In: Physics of Semiconductors: 27th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-27). (Eds.) J. Menéndez, C.G. Van de Walle. AIP Conf. Proc. 772. American Institute of Physics 2005, 745-746. ISBN 0-7354-0257-4.
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  29. C. Stampfl,
    "Surface processes and phase transitions from ab initio atomistic thermodynamics and statistical mechanics". Catalysis Today 105, 17-35 (2005).
  30. M. Todorova, K. Reuter, and M. Scheffler,
    "Density-functional theory study of the initial oxygen incorporation in Pd(111)" (8 pages). Phys. Rev. B 71, 195403 (2005).
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  31. F.J. Williams, R.L. Cropley, O.P.H. Vaughan, A.J. Urquhart, M.S. Tikhov, C. Kolczewski, K. Hermann, and R.M. Lambert,
    "Critical influence of adsorption geometry in the heterogeneous epoxidation of "allylic"alkenes: Structure and reactivity of three phenylpropene isomers on Cu(111)". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 17007-17011 (2005).
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  32. H. Wu, P. Kratzer, and M. Scheffler,
    "Ab initio study of transition-metal silicide films on Si(001)". In: Physics of Semiconductors: 27th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-27). (Eds.) J. Menéndez, C.G. Van de Walle. AIP Conf. Proc. 772. American Institute of Physics 2005, 311-312. ISBN 0-7354-0257-4.
  33. H. Wu, P. Kratzer, and M. Scheffler,
    "First-principles study of thin magnetic transition-metal silicide films on Si(001) 12 pages". Phys. Rev. B 72, 144425 (2005).
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